Centrifuge brand
Primary Colors
Solid white and yellow are used as the primary brand colors. White are the primary background color and yellow is the primary accent color.
- White
- Centrifuge Yellow
- #FFC012
Secondary colors
Black is used predominantly as text color and sometimes used as background color. Centrifuge Blue is used as secondary highlight color, in addition to yellow, and on hover states. Centrifuge Yellow is used a secondary highlight color.
- Black
- #000000
- Centrifuge Blue
- #1253FF
We use Regular weight (400) for body; Medium weight (500), Semibold weight (500), and Bold weight (600) for headlines.
Wordmark is the primary logo and is exclusively used either white on black background or black on white background.
Logomark is only used within the Centrifuge ecosystem when the context is clearly established.
The logo should be unobstructed or overlayed, seperated from other elements by at least equal to the letter “e” in the logo.
Improper usage
The logo should remain in its shade of black or white, without rotation or distortion. There should be no borders around the logo’s respective background color.